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Your child is off to school with their
new backpack holding sharpened
pencils, shiny folders and a healthy
lunch. You hope they will do well
and absorb all of the teacher’s instruction. They are cruising right along with
their homework in the beginning of the year, reviewing skills and concepts
from the end of last year. You think things are going well. Then October rolls
around and a progress report comes home. Words like “needs extra
help”, “having difficulty” and other terms written in red pen strike fear
in your heart. Don’t get discouraged yet. Here are some tips for getting
inexpensive or free extra help without paying a pricey tutor:
1. Look for apps that focus on what your child needs help on.
See how to save money on a tutor with telling time. [Elementary]
2. Look up educational websites that can aid in practicing at home for free.
See how to teach money skills here. [Elementary]
3. Review a little bit every day before school or before bed.
Here’s how to review two months worth of math skills in ten minutes a day. [Elementary and Middle School]
4. If you child’s native tongue is something other than English, reinforce language practice daily.
See The 9 Best Mobile Apps for English Language Learners
5. Have them practice with another student.
Too hard to meet in person, have older children (parents have to use their best judgement here) video chat on Skype or Oovoo.
6. Make practice interesting by tailoring activities to their interests.
An easy, inexpensive way to practice writing and math.
7. Practice on itunes with Houghton Mifflin.
Click here to check out algebra practice. [Middle School/High School]
8. Make your child seek out help in study hall. [Middle School/High School]
9. Ask the teacher for sample work.
Then know exactly what your child needs to do. [Elementary/Middle School/High School]
10. Ask if your child can stay after with the teacher.
See how to ask a teacher for help.
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