Free Summer Math Practice: Don't Lose Two Months of Math Skills

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The best way to get better at something is to practice. If your child doesn’t start practicing on a regular basis, they can be missing out on extra practice that they need. Sounds dramatic but according to studies by Johns Hopkins University’s School of Education, “most students lose two months of math skills over the summer.”


Here’s a teacher recommended math website to begin practicing for free.

1. Go to Click on the math and money section.

2. This will allow you to choose from an organized list. Pick what your child needs to practice. I like this site because there are simple math fact problems for early elementary students to practice but it also has much more advanced math for upper elementary and middle school grades. We started with the math fact section because my daughter is entering third grade. I believe in making them start with review. You don’t want it to be too challenging when they have been out of practice. If it’s too hard from the beginning, they may be reluctant do it again.


3. Once you choose what to practice, click on the different numbered levels to check out sample problems. Once you find appropriate problems, let your child practice. You may want scrap paper just in case. If your child has to regroup (carry) a number, sometimes they have trouble remembering to add the extra number if they don’t write it down. If they rely on the paper too much, you may want to go down a level.

Practice daily for ten minutes to improve your child’s accuracy. Ten minutes a day for 5 days is 50 minutes a week. If you did that all year, your child would have an extra 2600 minutes of practice. That’s just over 43 hours a year!

If you found this free information useful, share it with your friends.


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