An Inexpensive Way to Enrich Your Child's Learning

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There are school subjects that are harder than others. Many times kids struggle with writing. The thought of taking out their writing journal at school can stop their love of learning dead in it’s tracks. Here are fun and easy ways to keep your kids engaged. Here is a writing activities that kids motivated.

Page Protector
White Paper
Dry Erase Marker
Tissue(for erasing)

1.Take 3-4 clip art pics on a theme  and paste them all on a word document. Label the pictures with words underneath.

2. Insert the white paper into the page protector.

3. Have them write what they liked, know or  learned about the picture on the page protector with the dry erase marker.

4. The marker can easily be erased with a tissue. The one on the right is geared for younger children but this can easily be made more advanced by adding lines at the bottom for older kids. Just change the pictures to what they are studying or better yet, what they are interested in. They will be more willing to write if it’s about Spiderman or wrestling, etc.

For older kids, put different pictures such as sports, cartoon characters, video games, etc. Maybe start by having them write about one picture.

If your child is very young, you can just talk about the pictures together. Try to get them to say the sentence or just the word. They could even just point to the picture or just circle their favorite. This works really well for English Language Learners too.

Praise what they do. Don’t pounce on them for spelling or punctuation errors. Writing is a process they have to start somewhere. If you critique every little thing, they won’t want to do it. A gentle reminder is best. 🙂

Tip: You can save it and use it over and over. The page protector allows you to easily store it in a binder. Also, this is a great activity while traveling.

Here is a variation on the idea for practicing math. You can even have them practice math this way. I used a Ziploc bag. You may need a little dry erase spray if you use a large ziploc bag to get the marker off. I love this because you don’t have to constantly print worksheets from the computer. They can practice multiple times with one sheet. Also, if they make a mistake, it’s easy to erase.



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