Melanie Lockert on Hollywood, CA & Creative Bucket List Ideas

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Today’s Podcast Guest

I’m beyond happy to welcome Melanie Lockert to the Everyday Bucket List Podcast!

Do you use Apple Podcasts (iTunes), then click here to listen to my bucket list podcast or try Stitcher too!

Melanie Lockert of the Mental Health and Wealth Website and Show

Melanie Lockert is the author of the book Dear Debt, podcast host of The Mental Health and Wealth Show, and is a full-time freelance writer. Her work covers personal finance, small business, mental health, and relationships and has appeared on Business Insider, VICE, Allure, and more. Melanie has an M.A. from New York University, is passionate about music, boxing, and mental health and lives in Los Angeles with her two cats, Miles and Thelonious.

What You’ll Learn

  • What is so special about Hollywood, CA
  • What there is to do in Hollywood right now, what you can do for a day along with things you can do for free
  • Also, get a few creative ideas if you’re wondering, “Where can I go outside in Los Angeles?
  • How she accomplished a few bucket list items while getting out of thousands of dollars of debt.
  • Her approach to finding ways to relax during stressful times
  • Her everyday bucket list favorites


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  • Mint – Make better financial decisions during these uncertain times
  • Check out the cost per use in my hobbies to try post to determine if something is a good investment for you

Some of Melanies’s Everyday Favorites

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