Meal Plan Monday: Get Your Hands on 10 Cheap Dinner Ideas Today

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motivational-and-inspirational-quotes-meal-planningThe benefits are clear:

  • Meal planning can be more efficient.
  • You can control what you eat.
  • It can be more economical.

Think of it as your ticket to savings.

If you can stay on budget, you can better meet your financial goals.

Don’t hold yourself back from that dream vacation or whatever dream you may have.

It may sound dramatic.

I hear ya but it does help.

Here’s Your Savings Default Plan

Before we jump into the details, you’ll need to ask yourself:

What’s the purpose of this?

This is essential  when you get tempted to go off course with your spending, you can remind yourself of why you are doing this.

I once heard a quote:

Success always looks easy to those who weren’t around when it was being earned.

In an effort to get you fired up to meal plan and in essence save more, I’m giving the idea of meal planning a jump start to turbo charge your enthusiasm with my cheap dinner ideas. This will also help you successfully earn that savings.

Here are 10 cheap dinner ideas:

75+ Budget-Friendly Dinner Ideas [The Craft Patch]

How to Make 5 Easy Dinners for $10 Each [Buzzfeed]

$3 a Serving: Cheap Diet Dinners [Delish]

Top 10 Cheap Dinner Recipes [Taste of Home]

Cheap Meal Ideas for College Students [What Mommy Does]

Dinner- Recipes that are Easy, Healthy, Inexpensive, and Kid-friendly [HubPages]

15 Best (And Inexpensive!) Recipes for Weight Loss [Men’s Health]

Stuffed Mexican Chicken Shells {Freezer Meal} [Six Sisters’ Stuff]

10 freezer to Crockpot Meals [Making Our Marx]

Asparagus Egg and Bacon Salad [Skinny Taste]


If you’re serious about meal planning to reduce your spending, take my free meal plan mini-course here or get my FREE Enthusiastic Meal Plan Template.


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