Discover How to Automatically Find Lower Prices When You Shop

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When was the last time you shopped online?

For clothes, home décor, kitchen items, beauty products, gadgets even food…

Probably sometime in the last few months or even weeks.

Am I right?

Chances are while you were shopping you had to open up another browser which to search for any coupon codes.

Well, what if I told said you don’t have to do that anymore?

Would you believe me?

Check out a browser add-on that saves time and money doing all of the searching for you.

Deal News Alert! Warning You May Save Time and Money

Today I have a special interview with Karl Quist, the President PriceBlink. It is a free browser add-on that saves you time and money by doing all the searching for you for coupons, free shipping and more. I was able to catch up with Karl to have him answer questions for all of our enthusiastic readers. So here goes.
How does PriceBlink work?

PriceBlink is a free add-on to your web browser that that automatically finds lower prices and coupons when you’re shopping and stays hidden otherwise.  Once PriceBlink is installed, if when you navigate to a page like this one, PriceBlink can tell what the product is, and will check over 11,000 stores for lower prices and show you where you can get the product for less.  Also, PriceBlink will alert you to money-saving coupons.  No need to search for coupon codes — PriceBlink can tell what site you’re shopping, and will let you know of all the coupons that are available.  Plus, all PriceBlink’s coupon codes are verified, so you can be confident that they work.
What problem does it solve?
PriceBlink makes saving money easier.  Without PriceBlink, if you’re shopping at an online store and find a product you want, you either buy it without knowing whether or not you’ve got the best deal OR you have to open up a new browser tab, type in the product name, and search Google for lower prices.  With PriceBlink, you never have to leave the page you’re on to know if you’ve found the lowest price.
PriceBlink also removes the hassle of searching for coupon codes and lets you know, right when you arrive at a store, which coupon codes are available.
How is it different from other money-saving tools out there?
There are lots of Comparison Shopping websites, but PriceBlink does the work for you — you don’t have to remember to check for lower prices — it does it automatically.
Finally, PriceBlink includes prices from many stores that aren’t included in Comparison Shopping Engines like Google Shopping.  Did you know that Amazon‘s prices aren’t included on Google Shopping?  They are in PriceBlink.
PriceBlink is the highest rated price comparison & coupon browser extension on the market.  It’s used by professional online buyers and sellers whose livelihood relies on quickly finding the best price on the items they buy and sell.
What made you think of the idea?
I (Karl Quist) am a compulsive deal seeker.  I hate the idea of not getting the best deal when I shop online.  At the time we came up with the idea for PriceBlink, I had a blog that would feature great deals from online stores.  We spent a ton of our time doing price comparisons and thought, there has to be an easier way to compare prices.
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