6 Great Podcasts about Money for Women

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Learning about money has become so much easier these days. It’s true that many schools and colleges don’t provide too many mandatory options when it comes to financial literacy, but you can still learn online and from books.

If you don’t have much time to read, one of the best ways to soak in knowledge is by listening to podcasts. Podcasts are generally free audio shows that cover a wide variety of topics.

Many podcasts feature interviews or involve the hosts discussing important themes which makes it a great learning opportunity.

According to CNN Money, women still felt less confident than men when it came to their finances in 2017.

To change this, I’d recommend women check out some of these money podcasts.

Here are 6 of the Best Podcasts for Women to up Their Money Game

1. Her Money Matters

One of my favorite inspirational podcasts about money is the Her Money Matters Podcast with Jen Hemphill. This Columbian-born Money Confidence Coach and author of the new book also called Her Money Matters is a name to remember.  Jen understands that many women lack confidence when it comes to dealing with the financial aspects of their life.

She delves into the emotional side of money that many others don’t address with her caring and compassionate personality. She unpacks people’s money stories and features experts on her podcast interviews, and shares her experiences to help better your financial well-being.

Without a doubt, Jen is one of the most genuine people in the personal finance space.  Her podcast might easily go down in history as one of the best podcasts for women who are looking to get a handle on their finances. She’s also bilingual!

2. Clever Girls Know

Bola Onada Sokundi, founder of the Clever Girl Finance blog, created the Clever Girls Know podcast specifically for women who want to learn more about money.

Bola is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) and has successful women on her podcast who have overcome different types of financial obstacles.

Clever Girls Know is one of the best podcasts to listen to if you’re interested in hearing inspirational stories and learning from female financial experts and just everyday women.

3. So Money

So Money is an award-winning podcast hosted by Farnoosh Torabi, a leading financial expert. I mentioned this podcast in another article, but it bears repeating. Farnoosh interviews both men and women on her podcast about various money and entrepreneurial topics.

So Money was named the #1 Female-hosted Podcast of 2017. What I love about this particular podcast is that it focuses on abundance when it comes to finances and living a richer, fuller life.

If you’re looking for small savings hacks or couponing tips, this probably isn’t the right podcast for you. But, if you’re looking to learn from successful people about how money and business work, this can be a great show to listen to help boost your financial confidence. You can also check out her book called You’re So Money.

4. Mo’ Money

The Mo’ Money podcast is hosted by Jessica Moorhouse, a millennial money expert from Canada. Her down-to-earth tone and ease of explaining and breaking down complex financial issues make this show worth a listen – it’s also super addicting!

Jessica launched the podcast in 2015 and since then it has boasted 400,000+ total downloads and 100+ episodes.

I’d recommend listening to the Mo’ Money podcast if you want to learn more about budgeting, saving, debt repayment, investing, side hustles, and entrepreneurship.

5. Money Girl Podcast

If you’re looking for a show that’s short, sweet, and to the point, give the Money Girl Podcast a try.

Laura Adams launched the podcast in 2008 on Macmillan’s Quick and Dirty Tips Network. Since then, the show has received 40 million downloads.

Each episode is short, averaging around 10 minutes, and allows Laura to explain an array personal finance topics for her listeners.

Laura’s mission is to help listeners live rich and lover the journey with her. If you’re looking for quick financial tips and inspiration, you’ll like this one.

6. The Fairer Cents

The Fairer Cents is one of my favorite best new podcasts created by Kara Perez and Tanja Hester who call themselves a couple of friends from different generations who love talking about money and taking down the patriarchy.

Both are financial writers but Kara owns a company called Bravely which educates women about finance and Tanja retired early at the age of 38 and runs a site called Our Next Life.

The ladies tend to discuss the many different challenges women face when it comes to money and it’s great to hear two distinct perspectives from each host.


The Bottom Line

The next time you find yourself in the car, on break, at the gym, or just doing tasks around the house, be sure to check out some of these financial podcasts that empower and educate women when it comes to managing their money and feeling more self-assured about it.


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