Cleaning Games: Dirty Little Eco-Friendly Secret for Cleaning Your Sink on the Cheap

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I call this a beautiful mess.  Making a mess cooking is fun but cleaning the kitchen especially, the sink is VITAL!

Have you ever wondered why, even though you’re cleaning and cleaning, you seem to make no real progress?

Sometimes self-deception is the CULPRIT.

We can overly explain that we don’t have time because we have such busy lives (who doesn’t?) but those are truly EXCUSES.

Instead of talking a good game, we should be playing a cleaning game!

According to AARP, because your sink is often wet and often has uncooked meat products in it, it’s a breeding ground for bacteria. Some bacteria can divide every 20 minutes.

If you ignore this, you can miss out on being  safe and having your sink sparkle!

Cleaning Games: My Dirty Little Secret for Shining Your Sink in a Pinch

Now that you know that cleaning your sink is VITAL. Try cleaning it on a regular basis, I came up with what I called the Wax On Wax Off  Technique for cleaning your sink. It only takes a few minutes. As a part of all the cleaning games I’ve been playing this April to stay motivated, set a timer for ten minutes and use this technique.


Here’s the sink before. Remember, bacteria is there whether you can see it or not.


Scrub the sink with an old toothbrush in a circular motion with what I call the Wax On Wax Off Technique for fighting bacteria.


Use an old towel and clean with vinegar or vodka. It helps shine and sanitize the sink at the same time.
Here is the sink after I cleaned it with vodka. It only took ten minutes if that.

Be sure to clean the basin and drain stopper as well. The toothbrush will still come in handy for the drain.

You’ll be fighting germs and making the sink sparkle by using an eco-friendly cleaner. Vodka and vinegar are so inexpensive too. Depending on where you shop, you can find a small bottle for as little as .59 cents but most stores will cost a dollar or two and there are so many other uses for both vinegar and vodka.

The Bottom Line
Keeping your kitchen clean is extremely important to for safety from harmful bacteria in the kitchen. Cleaning your sink daily for a few minutes a day will do the trick.
Do you have special technique or tip? Comment below or get free updates and exclusive tips every Sunday delivered to your email (it’s free.)
Here are other challenges I completed. Day 1 How to Vinyl Tile Your Bathroom Floor for 30 Dollars in 360 Minutes eco-friendly-cleaning

Day 2 DIY Organization: Secret for Organizing Tiny Pieces of Kids’ Stuff for a Dollar

Day 3 Tidy Up the Laundry Room in Minutes for 30 Dollars

Day 4 Cleaning Games: Dirty Little Secret for Cleaning Your Sink on the Cheap

Day 5 Cure Sink Clutter and Cut Cleaning Time in Half for Free

Day 6 Free Help: Vacuuming Confetti

Day 7 I took a day off.

Day 8 Declutter in Minutes with this Trick Plus Motivation from REAL SIMPLE Editor-in-Chief

Day 9 How to Clean Picture Windows on the Cheap

2 thoughts on “Cleaning Games: Dirty Little Eco-Friendly Secret for Cleaning Your Sink on the Cheap”

  1. Pingback: Be a Clutter-Busting Samurai: Cut the Clutter, Stress and Spending | Money Saving Enthusiast

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