Celebrate Dad Throughout the Year: 52 Inexpensive Things to Do

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things-to-do-fathers-dayAnswer this question:

Do you remember what you gave Dad for
Father’s Day last year?

Or better yet, was it a meaningful or sentimental gift?

I’m betting the answer is “no” and that’s a big problem.

You only have so much time to shop for a gift.

And if you’re only relying on what is sitting on the shelf at your local retail store,
you’re missing out on a memorable gift that can last throughout the year.

Even if you already purchased something, here’s a simple idea to make fatherhood and celebrating dad more special throughout the year.

Make Dad a Proud Poppa with a Quality Time Bucket List

Have you seen Dad’s Quality Time Bucket List?

If not, it’s a bucket of 52 popsicle sticks with free and inexpensive ideas
that you can pick once a week to celebrate Father’s Day throughout the year.

This is great for two reasons.

Reason 1
It’s great for your wallet. Most of the activities are inexpensive or

Reason 2
If you are looking for more quality time with your family, you essentially carve out snippets of meaningful moments every week.

How awesome is that?

Here’s a list I made. All you need is a small bucket or container, popsicle sticks and a permanent marker. Write the ideas listed below on the sticks. Pick one once a week starting on Father’s Day.

1. Get tickets to a local sporting event. Checkout local colleges or nearby minor league teams.

2. Go to a local ice cream shop.

3. Take an inexpensive family portrait.
Walmart is dirt cheap in the off season.

4. Make a candy bar bouquet.

5. Play Dad’s favorite board game.

6. Play sports together.

7. Make an acrostic poem about Daddy.

8. Dad has to share a special childhood memory.

9. Go to a free museum together. Sometimes it’s not publicized. Call
the museum and ask if there are free days or passes.

10. Make or buy Dad’s favorite dessert.

11. Give Dad a day off to be with his friends.

12. Try learning a foreign language together.

13. Let Dad sleep in or give him extra nap time.

14. Take out the garbage for Dad or take over one of his chores for
the week.

15. Discuss your family tree. Check out geneology.com

16. Google Art tour- link to post

17. Do a puzzle together.

18. Make an acrostic poem using the word “Daddy”.

19. Make funny faces together.

20. Play Dad’s favorite song every day for a week.

35. Play frisbee.

36. Check out Dad’s favorite magazines from the library.

37. Go bowling.

41. Bird watch together.

42. Blow bubbles.

43. Make real lemonade together.

44. Make a video together.

45. Buy a little surprise. Get Dad’s favorite beverage.

46. Fly a kite together.

47. Make a scrapbook together. Check out www.getscraphappy.com

48. Look at pictures of Dad when he was a kid.

49. Take a walk around the neighborhood together.

50. Watch old videos of past vacations.

51. Read a book together.

52. Take a Google Art Tour.

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