Get Hyper-focused with This Pre-Budgeting Activity

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file9921293246886Have you ever tried to budget with all of the best intentions . . .

but then got caught up in the busyness of life to actually follow through?

It feels POINTLESS to even try. . .

because you’re TIRED of having the whole plan fall flat on it’s face again.

Everything sounds good in theory, right?

Maybe that’s the problem, the paper and the theory are paralyzing you!

So if you’ve had enough and you want to turn what’s on paper into a life you envision . . . don’t miss this post.

Get a Blissful Pre-Budget Project That Will Make You Do Cartwheels

Okay. . .sorry to sound like a corny cheerleader but sometimes you need a boost or a kick in the pants. . .whichever you prefer. I don’t know about you but I have to force myself to be a numbers person. Most of it is simple math but it sometimes feels like drudgery to make and keep a budget.

In order to keep myself motivated, I make the whole thing visual. It helps me to remember why I am doing this in the first place. It keeps me rooted in the why behind the whole plan.

Start a vision board.

It may sound cheesy but for those of you that are really struggling to connect the dots with the numbers and the actual carrying out of good budget behavior, I suggest you start envisioning the kind of life you want with pictures. This especially helps if you feel confused, conflicted, or are at a loss for words.

In elementary school, children are encouraged to draw pictures before they write especially in kinder through second grade. It’s considered a pre-writing activity. The more details they draw, the better. So I want you to do the same and consider this your pre-budgeting activity. Before you even bust out a calculator, go look at magazines and start cutting out what inspires you.

In the classroom, the picture is then used as a springboard to describe what is there. If the children are working on informative writing, they have to explain how to do something. It helps some kids to say it out loud orally after making the drawing before even writing down their thoughts on paper. I suggest you do the same. Get a buddy or a group and start the process. Consider it a brainstorming session.

The students then follow a sequence using transitional words to make sure they complete each step of the process they are explaining. It’s easier for them to articulate what they are trying to get across if they have a visual in front of them. They are better able to  give more detailed responses because of the visual cue.

They own all of the ideas because they drew the picture. The teacher may have to assist by paraphrasing or prompting to get more information of of the students. They may also identify something they drew that maybe they don’t know the name of. Do the same thing with your buddy or group.

Believing that things can be better in the future is a strong motivator to take action.

If you agree with this, you should tweet it out now here.

So let’s use the kids’ writing lesson as an analogy for our own pre-budgeting purposes.


 Use the Five Finger Pre-Budget Sequence™

1. First, make your vision board. Cut out images and paste them on paper or do it virtually on Pinterest or another site where you can see all of your pictures together. In layman’s terms, it’s a collage with a fancy name.

 2. Next, add phrases or words to it (overcome, empower, envision, discover, etc.)

 3. Then, once it is complete, start writing down specific goals.

 4. After that, research how much your dreams will cost.

 5. Finally, do whatever you have to in order to get your money in alignment with the life you envision. It may not happen over night but you will quickly start to give up things and make sacrifices in order to get the life you really want.

The Bottom Line

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, right? Start with photos and then add the wording for your goals later. Put them together on a vision board to get clarity and focus. It helps to put your life, goals, and budget in alignment with your priorities. Consider this your pre-budget activity as long as you can look at them regularly to be inspired and motivated.

“I like your blog. I especially like this latest one on how you use your receipt on your fridge. Brilliant!”-Sylvia Martinez of SMartinez Media, former Editor-in-Chief at Latina Magazine

2 thoughts on “Get Hyper-focused with This Pre-Budgeting Activity”

  1. I am such a visual person and love the idea of the vision board. When you can see it, you will definitely want to achieve it.

    Thanks for these great tips!

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