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How do you really get the outcomes you want with your money?
Miranda Marquit from My money mantra is determine your priorities. Put your money to work for you. Spend according to your values. Cultivate your finances so you can afford to live the life you want. Kelly Whalen from My money mantra is “earn more when you can’t cut back. Also, think before you spend.” To me that means thinking about quality and benefits before you purchase. I’d personally rather spend more money on something that is high quality that I use constantly (like my washing machine for instance.)
Jessica from My money mantra is “Know the facts. Educate yourself before making the first move.” We need to encourage everyone but especially parents of the younger generations to know everything they can about personal finance. We need to educate ourselves and then our loved ones about money.
Ellen Rogin from My money mantra is “I use money as a force for good in the world!” Check out Ellen’s video on the front page of her website. She explains how what you think and say has a major impact on your financial success.
Finally, here’s my own: Have a place for every dollar. Decide in advance what percentage of your income will go where. Check out sites like Find a place for your money or it will quickly find another place to be. Like anything else, the way you handle money is a choice. Don’t miss out on the wonderful lifestyle you can have by being smart with your money. I am a money saving enthusiast. I am successful and will have the lifestyle I dream of!
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