Meal Plan: Put it on Auto Pilot for 30 Days

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Proof that Dr. Oz is at my house. 😉

Dr. Oz and I go way back. . .

Way back to when I first started watching him on Oprah.

So there is a level of trust we’ve  built up (okay . . .mostly me trusting his advice) over the years.

And I must say. . .

I’m pretty happy that his ideas are helping me find solutions to other goals.

It’s nice when some things just take care of themselves without having to put any extra effort. That falls into the 2 steps forward category as far as I’m concerned. Small wins.

So here I am, working out and watching Doctor Oz at the same time.

Meal Plan: Why I’m Taking a Month Off and You Should Too

Since I’ve been on a rampage about sticking with my New Year’s resolutions (regular goals disguised as something special sounding) and looking to slash my resolution failure rate, I got a cool tip and left with 30 days worth of meals.

So first. . .the tip.

He gave a woman on his show a suggestion for eating a lunch that has fewer calories. He suggested wrapping her sandwich in lettuce as a healthier option. As much as it isn’t always easy or glamorous, I do want to try this and eat healthier in general because I know it makes me feel better.

That is an awesome way to switch things up when you are in a meal plan rut. So I’m thinkin’, I’ll try that. In another clip he mentions how he has recipes and meal plans on his site.

So since I’ve been working so hard at staying organized, working out more with my fitness challenge, and trying to eat healthier, I decided to put one of my goals on auto pilot since sometimes planning out meals can feel like a job itself. Dr. Oz has a 30 Day Meal Plan on his site. All of the meals listed in the meal plan have corresponding recipes right on the site.

When you think about it. . . who better to have planning out what you eat than Dr. Oz? So I will be attempting to eat items like seed butter which pretty much has the consistency of peanut butter, green shakes, and baked falafel.

As for the meal planning part, the doc did all of the heavy lifting. Let’s face it. . . a free 30 day meal plan from Dr. Oz = awesome sauce. That’s not just your regular ‘ol meal plan. This is made by a person who went to med school.

Anyway, the plan is organized by breakfast, lunch and dinner. On his site, the names of the meals are clickable links (words that are underlined) to take you to the exact recipe. So everything is all together for you.

This one is for his 30 Day Meal Plan. Be sure to read whether or not you are suited for this type of plan. You should also check with your own doctor. If you are just finding it hard to eat better nutritionally because of your work schedule he has other meal plans like this 6 Day one. See the picture below to get an idea of what you’ll be eating. See disclosure.


Here’s the thing. . .

As busy people, we don’t get as much time as we’d like to choose meals packed perfectly with just enough of this vitamin and just enough of that nutrient. The problem is updates about what to eat and what not to seem to change every five minutes. It’s so draining to even begin to wrap your mind around it all.

You need an extra degree to figure out what you can and cannot have. Deceptive marketing doesn’t help either. So I’m officially giving you permission to throw in the towel. That’s what I’m doing for at least for a month.

Here’s the secret bonus to following this meal plan. . .it’s kinda fun and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s FREE. Once you push out of your grocery list comfort zone a bit and just decide to try something new, you’ll have a blast shopping and it will give you extra time to focus some lighthearted fun goals like fashion. Can’t beat that.

So if you found this post to be especially great, share it on social media. That’s a fair trade, right?

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