How to Accomplish Goals While Blocking Out the Haters

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goal-settingIf you really want to save, prioritize your spending or accomplish any goal, you need to block out the haters.

The question remains . . .

How do I do that?

Well, one person took to the internet to show you a sure-fire way to get it done.

Goal Setting: How to Successfully Ignore Negativity to Accomplish Your Goals

I watched a show about a young boy named Brandon Bowen who was continually made fun at school. He out on weight after getting an infection. It got to the point where his parents decided to home school him.  To combat some of the nonsense, he posted a humorous video on Vine.

His video went viral after sending a message to people who have been mean to him in the past or have written nasty comments on his videos. (See video below.)


Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. I was too busy blocking out the haters.

-Brandon Bowen

If you agree with his strategy, click to tweet right now.

Shut Down Negativity and Focus on Positivity

If you find yourself in the middle of unwarranted drama that is taking up your time and keeping you from accomplish what you need to do, think about this. On some level, there are always going to be people that make stupid comments whether in person or on social media.

Maybe they misinterpreted something you said or did and have the wrong idea about you. Maybe on some level they are jealous or they could truly have nothing else better to do. Trolls! If their two cents is constantly coming in the form of undesirable remarks, don’t let it get to you. Here are two tips on how to handle this.

1. Focus on what you do want.

Instead of being distracted by negative people, get focused and pick 5 things that are most important to you right now and focus on those things. Someone gave this advice to Jean Chatzky and I’m passing it on to you. These could be financial goals, career goals, health goals, etc.

2. Pull a Gary Vee.

Since we’re on the topic of social media and goal setting, who better to listen to than Gary Vaynerchuk, who runs a social media brand consulting  agency. If you’re not into formally writing goals down with a goal setting template, listen to Gary Vee’s down-to-earth take on goals when asked by a reader. He answers his question around the 3 minute mark. Watch below.


 The Bottom Line

Unfortunately, not matter what you do, you may encounter a hater or two. Try not to take it personally and focus on goals you want to accomplish and the positive people you want in your life. And remember this quote by Steve Jobs, “Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.”

If you like this post, blast it out on social media. Then we’re even and the haters will get the message too.

“I love how you’re always scheming for new ways to make your stuff INTERESTING. That post with the guy in the wilderness video? Hotness! Keep that creativity flowing so we can all continue being entertained while learning in the process. You help those of us with A.D.D. to come back.”

J.Money, Budgets are Sexy and Rockstar Finance


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