The Benefits of Hiring a Podcast Guest Booker

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If you’ve ever tried booking podcast appearances on your own, it can be a hassle.

The idea of having someone book on your behalf might sound like a dream.

PR firms don’t necessarily specialize in podcast bookings, but did you know a podcast guest booker can help search for shows and properly prepare for podcast interview?

Hiring one can help you avoid the struggle of sending loads of emails, filling out contact forms and tracking down hosts, especially on popular shows.

Here’s a list of advantages to hiring a podcast guest booker

By seeking out someone who specializes in getting people booked on podcasts, you can reap the benefits of their professional experience, get a lay of the land in the world of podcast guesting, free up time in your busy schedule,  and the list goes on and on.

You can utilize their professional experience of landing podcast interviews

I can only speak for myself, but I’ve been a part of promoting a book for a former Today Show contributor,  placed guests on top shows and have listened to hundreds of shows myself to find the best fit for my guests.

A podcast guest booker can guide you with this type of media

If you’re new to appearing on podcasts, you can have someone “show you the ropes” in this type of media. If you’re interested in getting more clients, traffic to your website, potentially landing speaking gigs down the road or accomplishing another goal, it could be a significant advantage to call in someone who specializes in searching for podcast placements.

You’ll have fewer missed podcast publicity opportunities

Checking, handling and processing email can be a job all it’s own. If you don’t stay on top of it, opportunities can slip between the cracks. If emails or other correspondence goes unanswered, you can potentially miss out on booking appearances and getting your message out to a targeted audience.

Also, you’re wasting your time reaching out to shows if you can’t respond promptly, if at all. Your almost-there efforts will be pointless. It can leave the wrong impression on the host, and you can come off looking like someone that isn’t together. It’s a podcast guest booker’s job to land podcast interviews, coordinate the placement for you and maybe even provide podcast guest tips of what to do before, during and after the podcast interview.

You can free up time in your schedule

Whether you’re busy doing your job or if you’re overcommitted in general, hiring a podcast guest booker can eliminate some time-consuming tasks. If you’re looking to launch a book or hoping to get more traffic, leads and sales, a booker can coordinate the details and potentially speed up the process for you.

Think of it as a Disney FastPass. The booker allows you to reserve a spot in advance. You can maximize your time and use it more efficiently.  You might now have an extra hour or so to meet new clients, explore other business opportunities or spending more time working on your bucket list.

They’ll help you avoid faux pas on podcast interviews

A podcast guest booker often has great relationships with many podcast hosts. They can help explain specific guidelines, cover basic etiquette and fill you in on any other essential details about the show. For example, listening to an episode or two is a great way to prepare for a podcast interview. You get a feel for their audience along with the vibe of the show. You can also directly ask about do’s and don’ts. Ask questions about their audience. This can help you avoid potentially insulting the host or turning their audience off.


The Bottom Line

If you give a podcast guest booker your information,  goals, and budgetary constraints, they can use their professional experience to help you.  A combination of their booking chops, show knowledge and outreach can come to the rescue when you’re looking to land interviews. If you’re tired of searching for shows and you’d like to appear more polished and sophisticated, consider hiring a podcast guest booker today.


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