The Five Day Bucket List Challenge Day 3: Gather Your Ideas



This is Day 3 of the Five Day Bucket List Challenge. If this is the first page you landed on, you might want to start here.

Since you have taken the time to come up with ideas to add to your bucket list, you don’t want all your planning to go to waste. While they’re fresh on your mind, be sure to keep them all together.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “A place for everything, everything in it’s place.”  This quote is often used to help keep things orderly. You definitely want to keep things orderly with your bucket list ideas and keep all of the ideas in one spot.

Day 3 – Gather your ideas. If you’re still stuck, I include more ways to come up with ideas. I also reinforce the importance of capturing the ideas in one spot that I mention on Day 2.


I’m gathering up my bucket list ideas all in one spot. Day 3 #BucketListChallenge Click to tweet here.


You don’t want to come up with great ideas only to forget them. Here’s what I do to capture the ideas and store them. How to Generate Bucket List Examples and Store Them.  Now get going on the task!


If you have any questions, feel free to email me or comment below. I’m here for ya.

Otherwise, I’m trusting that you’ll do a great job.

All the Best,

Author of The Everyday Bucket List Book

P.S. If you haven’t already, grab the free Bucket List Jump-start Pack and get started.

Here’s Day 1, if you missed it.

Here’s Day 2, if you missed it.

Hooray! You’re ready for Day 4.








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