Why You Should Choose Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

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I often cringe every time I wrap a gift.

I feel badly buying paper that will just end up in a landfill.

I don’t even like to purchase gift bags for fear that the recipients are just going to throw them out.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the amount of household waste usually increases by 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day which totals up to about 1 million additional tons.

So what can an eco-friendly shopper do?

Here are 2 solutions to help you sleep better at night while saving money when it comes to being kind to the planet.

I stumbled upon 2 surprisingly creative solutions for gift wrap ideas.


Two Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

1. Decorative Reusable Gift Bags
Many stores sell reusable bags that can easily pose as colorful gift bags.
Here is one I found at Walmart. The added bonus is they are cheaper than your average gift bag and can be used over and over in an effort to live a greener lifestyle and stop using plastic bags. They only cost 88 cents. So now gift giving can be easier on your wallet and mother nature.
2. Bandana Wrap
The same section where I found the bags, I picked up a colorful bandana for a dollar. I thought this could be another way to wrap a gift without having to use paper. Hopefully these ideas can spark your creativity to be kinder to the environment while giving visually appealing gifts.
For additional tips to reduce holiday waste, check out the EPA’s website here.
Do you know of a way to make the holiday season a little greener?
Share your tip below.


3 thoughts on “Why You Should Choose Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas”

  1. My mom is a big fan of comics. They’re fun to read and it’s easy for the recipient to recycle.

    My husband abhors wrapping so we stocked up on gift bags in after Christmas sales. We can use them and then put them away for next year. We don’t really exchange gifts outside the family so I guess we have it easy.

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