Slash Your Resolution Failure Rates & Finally Get Organized

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organization-get-organizedMaybe you purchased a few bins at the start of the new year or even got rid of stuff you don’t use anymore.

That’s a step in the right direction but somehow it barely scratched the surface of truly being organized.

It was a temporary fix that didn’t really solve the problem.

You may have a long list of excuses as to why you just can’t seem to get it done but on some level, you are set up to fail.

According to an article in Forbes, a study shows that only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

Don’t fall off the goal setting bandwagon.

The reality is you may just be stuck and here’s how to fix it.

Empower Yourself to Finally Get Organized: My Secrets Unveiled

Many of us know what we need to improve upon in the getting organized department but we can’t seem to find the missing link that bridges us over from where we are to where we want to be. If you don’t have hope that you can fix the situation, then it all seems bleak and unobtainable.

Sometimes you don’t even know what it is you need to change. You may not have pinpointed where things go wrong. That in itself is a big part of the problem.

I had a hard time figuring out why I just could seem to find things when I needed them. Many of the one size fits all answers that you hear about just didn’t work for me. You may just need what us teachers call instructional scaffolding.

It’s the support given during the learning process. It’s customized to fits the needs of the learner. It gives you just enough support so you can grasp the concepts and skills being introduced.  Modeling a task, getting advice, or following templates, and guides are all supports that can help.

If you are giving up and you’re not sure why, you may have picked a task that is a bit too hard. Keeping things simple and tangible is key. Whether you have pinpointed the break down in your system or  lack there of, the good news is there’s a quick fix to get you on track.

1. The biggest hurdle is realizing that you can’t figure it out by yourself.

2. Find what you think you are looking for and enlist free help by watching tutorials online or by reading websites about organization.

3. The last part is taking a stab at some of that good advice. Even one small tip can work wonders. Try something simple.

You don’t need to hire a professional which would start at about $157. Nationally the average person spends between $469 and $677 according to the Home Advisor. You also don’t have to take part in a 6 month clutter purge-a-thon and swear off purchasing anything new ever again. Taking baby steps is key. It also takes practice.

Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good. -Malcolm Gladwell

To help jump start your baby steps. I included something simple I did for my own personal goal of getting more organized. I put my current projects into folders. I would tuck them away into magazine holders. It didn’t work that well for me because the tabs on the folders weren’t so visible. I would waste time fishing through each folder which defeated the purpose of labeling them.

It looks organized but it was still hard to find what I needed.
It looks organized but it was still hard to find what I needed.

After watching a video or two by professional organizers on YouTube, I figured out what I needed to do. The belief that things would get better drastically improved for me too. It was a great motivator that helped me take action. I purchased the file organizer and bought clear plastic envelopes to contain the information inside. I sometimes bring my work to the library so it’s easy to carry and I don’t have to worry about anything falling out. I can see all of the folders at a glance. It especially helps when I’m in a rush.

Voila! The incline on the file organizer has made a big difference to me. I can find what I am looking for so much faster.


If you want to work more productively, consider setting up your work environment in a way that is conducive to being more efficient and cost-effective, I purchased this file folder organizer recommended by the professional organizer to keep my papers for my current project together. I knew it was good quality name brand so it will hold up over time. Here are the links below if you are interested in getting them.

Rubbermaid Three-Pocket File Folder Organizer

Clear Plastic Envelopes

If you don’t like the clear file folder organizer, here’s a darker option:

Rubbermaid Stak-A-File Three-Pocket Wall File

The Bottom Line

Organization is an ongoing process. Taking small, simple tangible steps to be better organized should be at the forefront. Learn from others online to help you find solutions without having to pay a professional. It will help you save money.

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