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How to Waste Less Food and Save Money by Drinking This

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Photo via AlvinMann

The first step to save money on groceries is to waste less food.

Also, you have to start being more proactive about what you eat each day.

How often do you put it off?

In fact, how many times have you said you’d print out a free printable meal plan but didn’t?

Sometimes we just don’t know where to begin.

Maybe you’re beat up from your job or you just have a lot going on.

Or maybe you think it’s too hard.

Today I’ll share a quick fix for that to get you over this initial hurdle.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes and Simple Action Can Stop Food Budget Leaks

Just know, I wasn’t always efficient with my meals. In fact, when I first got married and lived in a condo, our meal plan had two choices on it. We teeter-tottered between tuna fish sandwiches and a bowl full of Cheerios. I kid you not. I did this while saving for my first home.

Prior to learning how to make basic meals, lunch used to be whatever can was within close proximity — chili, soup, tuna or more chili. Now I can easily plot out what I eat at a glance using a combination of simples recipes (ones I actually include using an oven) and strategic grocery shopping.

So I’m sure there is something you’ve always wanted to make but have put off for what seems like forever. Maybe it’s something advanced like a Red Wine Risotto you saw on Food Network, one of the best chicken recipes that’s been in your family for generations that you haven’t quite mastered, or a healthy breakfast idea like sweet potato breakfast cups.

Today, you can take a small step to do whatever it is. For example, I see smoothie recipes all the time. I even pin them mindlessly on Pinterest. Yet, for whatever reason I don’t get to it.

Follow my Pinterest board here.

So after a big nudge, I thought I’d start off simple with a few ingredients. I found a recipe that I’ve been meaning to try for awhile now. It’s a smoothie from Prevention.com. I purposely picked this one because I already buy these ingredients regularly. I know I  can easily use them for something else if need be.


It also has the added benefit of aiding digestion. I modified the recipe a bit. I used almond milk in place of regular milk. I also used plain yogurt in place of vanilla. It’s an effort to cut back on the amount of sugar. Don’t worry, the bananas provide enough. While it’s great to utilize leftovers in your fridge, it isn’t always possible to drink all the delicious content you have combined.

If you already drank one smoothie and you have too much left over to drink in one sitting, consider making some smoothie pops. You can extend the life of the contents in frozen treat form to have at a later date. This can be a refreshing way to get more fruits into your diet. If you get on a big smoothie kick after realizing how easy they are to make, check out a book The Beauty Detox Power: Nourish Your Mind and Body for Weight Loss and Discover True Joy.


One response to “How to Waste Less Food and Save Money by Drinking This

  1. What and interesting and healthy smoothie recipe! My mom will definitely give it a try since we are against food waste! Plus, we will save some money. Thanks for sharing here!

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