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You only have so much time and you want to enrich your kids a bit.
To do that, you realize you have to make time.
But how?
People will tell you they’ll learn everything at school or you should stick them in a program.
But I’ll be honest with you. . .
The parent’s role is an integral part of in their child’s success.
There’s a simple and enjoyable ways to enrich your child and even infuse sneak in money skills along the way and I’ll explain.
But first. . .
Why You Should Work with Your Kid and What I Do
According to research, when school, families and community groups support children, they tend to do better in school, stay in longer and like school more. It’s VITAL to find time to work with your kids on a regular basis if you want them to succeed.
I choose to work on science and math. I even incorporate ways to review old concepts. For this example, I review math lessons about money. Bingo is one of the easiest ways to reinforce any topic. I never met a kid who didn’t like playing it. As kids get older and the work gets harder, they tend to welcome activities like this.
More specifically, here’s exactly what I do:
1. No matter the topic, give a game card to each player (me and lil’ enthusiast). Have them look over the cards to introduce or review pronunciation of vocabulary.
2. Cover the “free” space with a coin. You can use the same one each time if they happen to need a reminder. They tend to forget half dollars or coins they don’t see often.
3. When players have a space with the answer that goes with the card called, have them cover it with a coin.
4. Review different coin names as the coin markers are covering spaces. For example, say something like, “You have that, cover it with the quarter.”
5. After someone gets bingo, have the winner read the winning vocabulary words. Then have them name each coin, tell it’s value, or add up all of the money. It obviously will depend on their age and skill level. If you know you can play on a regular basis, save up all of the coins each week in a jar. Go out for a special treat after a few weeks or a month. This will informally show your child how to save while reinforcing other skills.
6. Try different variations of Bingo. You can use your child’s vocabulary words from school and make your own board.
My daughter is in fourth grade. She learned about simple machines in 3rd grade. I like to do science with her any chance I can for enrichment. It has to be a fun or else she won’t do it. I opted to play bingo.

Here are some other sites to check out:
Check in on the Common Core Mathematical Standards your child needs to work on in their grade level. Then find games that reinforce whatever it is they need to learn.
Set up a board or use play items to pretend you are going to a restaurant like the Lemonade Stand Teachers. This was used for their math center. MathDonalds: May I Take Your Order
Mommy, Can I Buy My Lunch Today? via
Create a Graph and Fraction Frenzy here.
Here are some awesome bingo sites:
On Free Bingo Maker, you are able to make your own cards which works out perfectly because you can customize them. You are able to focus on what your child needs to reinforce in an enjoyable way. For example, if they still need to practice 5 out of 10 spelling words, you can throw ones in that they haven’t mastered yet. Focus on what they need to learn. You may want to keep in a few that they already know so they don’t get too frustrated.
This site allows you to pick templates, number of words on a card, and how many cards you want to generate. This makes the site appropriate for any age group. Obviously, you want to give younger kids fewer words.
I would start with 5-10 for kinder and first grade. No matter their age, if these are words your child doesn’t know, you want to put fewer. Once a gain, be sure to include some words that they have mastered just so it doesn’t seem too hard. They will most likely want to quit if that is the case.
If your child likes visual stimulation, this site has clip art inside each bingo board space. Choose themes by cartoon character , season, holiday, and more. You can customize the boards for a variety of ages. this can work well for those learning a foreign language as well.

Have fun cranking away to mix the numbers up just like an official bingo night. This can keep your child engaged in the process while learning number and reviewing coins (when used as markers).
Trademark Innovations Complete Bingo Game Set
Free Printable Money Bingo Game (K-2)-Coin Identification
ETA Hand2Mind Learning Science Bingo Game, Energy Bingo