Productivity: 3 Tips to Get Organized Plus a Free Printable To-Do List

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organization-ideasAre you trying to organize your home but you feel as if you’re back at square one rather quickly?

Maybe you’ve been getting rid of stuff but you don’t seem to be making any progress.

You’re wondering how you ended up with such useless stuff in the first place but there’s hope.

If you are looking to get your house clean quickly, keep it that way and maybe save money while doing so, don’t miss this post.

3 Organization Tips to Reclaim Your Space

You collect things for a multitude of reasons. You may think you’ll have use for something later on. Maybe the stuff has some sort of sentimental value to you. You also spent your hard earned money on an item. So you think you may need to keep it around out of guilt. The reality is the item will probably just sit and collect dust. I have old papers from elementary school and vary old bank statements still lying around. I’m not sure why.

So I actively follow these tips to keep a handle on things.


Tip 1 Get financial paperwork organized

This is a must and I think is the most vital when you are first organizing. It’s too easy to get slapped with a late charge or get a quick hike in an interest rate just for being messy. Tisk. Tisk. Find a system to deal with financial papers, bills and anything that has to do with money stat.


Tip 2 Catapult your mess to a clean up success (for less)

Can you afford a professional organizer? No matter the answer, we can all do things on our own to clean up and get more organized. At times it worth it to hire someone to do tasks that we don’t have time to do such as yard work, housekeeping, and other tasks around the house. then there’s that time where we will have to wonder if it’s worth it. While you ponder the decision, look up professional organizers on Youtube and see if you can implement some of their ideas first. You may get things done and clean up nicely.



Tip 3 How I Hit the Declutter Jackpot and Saved 30 Dollars

I try to ditch clutter on a regular basis. I have a family and kids just have a way of bringing things in even though you may have just got rid of a pile of stuff. So I find that this decluttering is an ongoing process. We all gather stuff without even knowing it. There’s mail that piles up, clothes that no longer fit, a shirt that for some reason still has tags on it and other items that we have been meaning to get rid of but haven’t had a minute to do.


        Get your free printable to-do list here.

Here are some other posts people wrote to get you inspired. Yeah!

PVC Pipe Organizer How-To [Home Stories A to Z]

Creative and Inexpensive Organizing Ideas [A Cultivated Nest]

Fabric covered {Memo/Message/Idea Board} [Craft Addict]

Repurposing Everyday Items for a More Organized Home [HGTV]

12 Easy Kitchen Organization Tips [Listotic]

26 Resolutions to Keep You Organized in 2014 [Buzzfeed]

Home Organization 101 [A Bowl Full of Lemons]

The Ultimate Guide for Organizing Your Home Room By Room [Homedit]

15 Lifehacks For Your Tiny Bathroom [Buzzfeed]

Everyday Love: 5 on Friday [Everyday Love]

If you found this information useful, please share it. That’s good declutter karma. ; )

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