Save Time and Money by Not Recycling

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You can save money by not recycling.

I had been meaning to purchase stemless wine glasses for awhile.

They are affordable, durable, and elegant.

They can be used every day or for special occasions.

They are also dishwasher safe which is the biggest benefit in my book.

I held off because I didn’t have a place to put them, so I thought.

It turned out my recycling habit was to BLAME!



How Recycling Can Be Working Against You and Your Wallet

Not having a place to put my glasses was one of the reasons why I had put off getting new ones.



After stumbling upon stemless wine glasses on a recent shopping trip, I finally bought them. I still had to decide where to put them. I currently have a bit of glass clutter (above).

I normally unpack a new item and put the cardboard packaging right in the recycling bin. I started to fold up the box, then after looking at my cluttered glass area, I realized I shouldn’t recycle these boxes. I should just keep the box that they came in to store them.

I think sometimes we are a little conditioned to solve our problems at a store. We need to buy more stuff to contain the stuff  we don’t have room for. The thought of having to go back to store made me cringe.

My Trick

I try to harness other people’s knowledge for free to solve problems. Someone had to design that box to put the glasses in. They were paid to do that. Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to? I remembered a quote by author and poet, Maya Angelou.

We need much less than we think we need.

I already had what I needed to store the glasses. They went right back in the box after I used them and they stay there until I’m ready to use them again. They are hidden nicely in my hutch.  So this is the reason why I sometimes don’t recycle. I leave things in the packaging they come in and just tuck it away. This saves me money, time, and aggravation.


The Bottom Line

As I said earlier, sometimes you already have what you need, you just don’t realize it. Use the packaging that  items come in to store them. It will save you time and money.


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2 thoughts on “Save Time and Money by Not Recycling”

  1. Repurposing is similar to recycling, right? It seems to me your innovation is pretty similar to recycling in that you’re not creating additional waste. I used part of a Cuties box to retrofit a cheap shelf I bought for my spice cabinet. Felt like a total genius when it worked out!

  2. Maybe I’m missing something, but why didn’t you just give away your old glasses? It sounds like you bought enough of the new ones. Meanwhile, your old ones, which you don’t like as much, are taking up space in your cupboard. Why not donate/Freecycle the old ones and put the ones you’ll actually use in your cupboard?

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