SAVE MONEY: How to Make a Wooden Jack-O-Lantern Decoration with Chalkboard Paint

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I always debate when to ditch a decoration. My kids are still only eight and ten. I have to keep some of the festive decor around because before you know it, they’ll be off the college. To give the decoration a bit of interest, I had my kids jazz them up a bit with chalkboard paint.
Wooden Pumpkin
Contact Paper
Chalkboard Paint
Get a wooden pumpkin from your local craft store.

Get some contact paper, scissors and a permanent marker.


Draw squares or desired shapes on the contact paper. Use the lines as a guide.

PictureCut out the shapes carefully. If it’s not straight, it will show.

Adhere the contact paper to the pumpkin. Make sure to flatten the paper so the paint doesn’t seep through. Then spray with chalkboard paint.


Once dry, touch up any edges with the permanent marker if neccessary.

Get some chalk and make a jack-o-lantern.

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