Paperwork Organization Tips That Save You Money

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Here are simple organization tips to keep your papers and life organized.

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Do you struggle to keep your paperwork in order?

It never fails.

Each week loads of paper accumulate making it hard to find important papers.

Misplacing bills or just having stacks lying around can cost you in late fees.

Some think it’s just a busy lifestyle that causes it.

Well, today I’ll show you a way to eliminate it for good. . .

. . . and then you’ll discover where you should put paper.

Organizational Tips: Be a Paperwork Neat Freak and Plan Your Week in Minutes

If you are fighting piles of paper that accumulate on your desk, the kitchen counter, or even the dining room table, I have a strategy for you.

1. Sort through a pile of mail or papers that have just come in.

2. Decide if the item has to be dealt with this week or later.

3. Anything that has to be handled this week goes into a clearly bound pocket folder book.


4. Using white labels, mark the pockets with each day of the week (see photo above).

5. Take the pile you sorted for this week and put papers in appropriate folders. Example: Put a permission slip in on Sunday as a reminder to send it with your child the next day. Put a bill you need to pay for Friday in a slot a few days before, so you can pay it on time.

6. Be sure to check the binder in the morning and at night to plan for the next day. The items you need will be staring you in the face. I also include a piece of notebook paper that I fold in half long ways.

I put a master list on the right side of the paper and a daily list on the left side. So I know what to do that day and can peek at what I need to finish for the week. I also include a list in the back of the pocket of items I need to do weekly on that day. Set a reminder on your phone to check it or put this where you will find it daily. I move the list daily to know what I need to do that day.

7. To handle the other pile, get a hanging file and put folders inside. Mark the folders with each month of the year. Any piece of paperwork that comes in that doesn’t have to be dealt with right away can go into the appropriate month’s folder.

If a bill needs to be paid next month put it in the folder of that month. Be sure to check the hanging file weekly to replenish your pocket folder for the next week. This way, you are only dealing with the paperwork you need for the week which is manageable.

You can also make sure you are paying your bills on time, avoiding late fees, and potentially hurting your credit. Anything that you have to deal with in the near future is waiting for you in a hanging file so you don’t misplace it. This keeps me very organized especially when I am super busy. I can find what I need easily.

If you like this free information, share it with your friends.

Also, if you made it this far, you may also like Goal Setting the Right Way Part I & Part II.

“I like your blog. I especially like this latest one on how you use your receipt on your fridge. Brilliant!”-Sylvia Martinez of SMartinez Media, former Editor-in-Chief at Latina Magazine



3 thoughts on “Paperwork Organization Tips That Save You Money”

  1. Pingback: Dollar Store Organization For Wannabe Neat Freaks | Money Saving Enthusiast

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