Smart Goal Setting with Inspiration From Larry the Cable Guy

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Adopt Larry the Cable Guy’s mantra “Git her done” (finish work in a timely manner) when it comes to setting your goals. Photo via Anirudh Koul

Perhaps you have goals swimming around in your head that you plan on achieving some day.

Get a house by the water, take a trip to Europe, pay off your debt, and the list goes on and on.

You may dream of accomplishing these goals and have the best intentions of doing so but for some reason, it just doesn’t happen.

Don’t feel bad, we all do this from time to time.

Thinking too much may be the problem.

There are effective ways to carry out your goals and get closer to the life you deserve.

Be a Smart Goal Setting Freak and Draw Up a Contract with Yourself

After teaching in a classroom, I learned how to write specific, measurable goals. This makes it clear for both student and teacher to actually do what you set out to do. Make sure you are able to measure the results of the goal.

I try to keep this in mind when I set goals for myself. It’s easier said than done. In an effort to make sure I am accomplishing my goals, I reread an article about S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

I know. . .another acronym. But it’s a good one. You have to make sure your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and has a time frame (or otherwise you may just lollygag too much).

1. Write down your goals the smart way.

I have informally set a few goals but now feel compelled to officially write them on my blog. I read somewhere that writing down goals makes you more likely to achieve them.

2. Mark your calendar for when you want to accomplish your goal.

Put the information on your paper or digital calendar. You can even set reminders along the way. They help me a great deal.

3. Make sure you are specific.

Put a number amount on your goal if possible. Counting is an easy way to check your progress. I put a number on all of my goals so I can easily count up whether or not a met the goal.

4. John Hancock it.

Sign the bottom and have someone witness it. Check in with this person to stay accountable.

So I am attempting to accomplish my goals by following this S.M.A.R.T. model.

My Goals

1. Declutter daily using the Ditch 5 Daily Rule. By the end of the week, I will have at LEAST 25 items to sell, donate, or throw out in an effort to have a more orderly home.

2. After taking Jean Chatzky’s Money School course, I decided to save 2% more money monthly towards retirement. She explained most people don’t notice that this amount is gone. So I am starting little by little to get closer to my retirement goals.

3. Don’t laugh at this one. My daughter and I decided to pull 10 weeds a day from the front part of the house.  I started a “Rake What Your Momma Gave Ya Challenge” and this is the second thing to do for that challenge.


I will post again with my progress. What are your goals? Follow the S.M.A.R.T. Model and write down your goals. Post them below. I’d love to know what you aim to do.

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