Good Ways to Make Money with Jean Chatzky

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good ways to make extra money
Here is my interview with financial expert Jean Chatzky.

I’m excited to share my recorded conversation with Jean Chatzky.

She is the financial editor of the Today Show. She has a NEW  course called Money School.

In the recorded interview, you will get tips on how you can make money doing something similar.

Jean shares how she made her own classes to teach online and gives pointers on how you can do the same. She also shares other tidbits and good ways to make money.

Before you listen, I’d like you to figure out 2 things:

1. How do you want to make extra money (ideally what would you like to be paid to do)?

2. What is holding you back from doing it?

Then visualize yourself having FIXED THE PROBLEM.

Why are you making me do this?

Well, when you are finished listening, you’ll gain insight about how you can plan your side hustle or money making opportunity.

Listen to the interview here.

If you enjoyed this, you should share it. That’s good money karma, right?

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2 thoughts on “Good Ways to Make Money with Jean Chatzky”

  1. Pingback: Smart Goal Setting with Inspiration from Larry the Cable Guy | Money Saving Enthusiast

  2. Pingback: More Good Ways to Make Extra Money | Money Saving Enthusiast

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