Inexpensive Biscotti Gift Idea for Teacher, Dad, Grad, Etc.

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Biscotti with chocolate drizzled on top makes this treat special for Spring.
I like to bake but I don’t always have time. I still like to be festive or have treats that are special for my family without spending a lot of money. I always have biscotti in my house. I think it’s nice to have on hand if company comes over. Here’s how to make it a little more special.
1. Pre-made biscotti
2. Chocolate for melting (I use Wilton’s candy melts. They sell them at Michael’s Craft Store. I’m sure they are at other stores that sell cake decorating items.)
1. Get pre-made biscotti. I really like the brand called Nonni’s.
2. Place on a plate or parchment paper.
3. Melt chocolate. This can be done on the stove with a double boiler or    easily put in the microwave. See directions on the back of the chocolate bag. It’s better to put it in for less time and check it versus having it in the microwave for too long and potentially burning it.
4. Once the chocolate has melted, drizzle it over the biscotti in a zigzag motion. I find it is easiest to do with a fork. Enjoy.
Put the biscotti  in a little plastic bag with ribbon. You can add a small gift card with it. I think a teacher wouldn’t mind a mug if it had biscotti with it.;0)
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