Finding More Joy in Your Job

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Have you ever felt unhappy or unfulfilled in your job? You’re not alone as millions of Americans feel this way. It’s important to understand that just as life is unexpected, your career and interest can lead you to new places as well.

You may find that you have more joy when you pivot and starting doing something else professionally. For me, that pivot meant starting my own flexible business.

After I had my daughter, I struggled with the idea of stepping back into the workforce and teaching again as I wanted to be more present with my child.

My story of transition was featured on Aleteia’s For Her blog among a few other inspiration women who share how they found more joy in their work as well.

Those of you who know me and my work know that I’m a freelance writer and podcast booking specialist. I enjoy my PR and writing work but you may not know what led me to get into this field and make a name for myself.

In my eyes, I left my teaching career behind for the better. I enjoyed that season of my life, but I embraced change during a limbo season where I didn’t quite know what would come next.

With a new year upon us, it’s the perfect time for reflection and to be open to change. Reassess your personal and career goals to make sure you’re on the right track. It’s important to realize that your job doesn’t need to be in corporate America or even ‘high paying’ for it to be the wrong fit for you. It could be any career path that doesn’t match your life goals.

I encourage you to check out my story for inspiration for your own professional life whether you feel you need to pivot into a new career field, slow down and return back to the basics, or keep adapting your role or just tweak your schedule to improve your life to accommodate the changes in your life.


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