Best Money Tip: How to Pay Bills Better

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Just say it.

You’re secretly hoping I tell you the best money tip to show you the real way to take care of your bills.

Though it may seem like a straightforward process, for whatever reason maybe you still can’t get a handle on it.

I understand because many of my readers email me about this.

I get the feeling that it’s common.

There are multiple way to pay bills today.

You can pay online through your bank.

You can go through the biller’s site.

You can still send a check.

There’s auto-pay with a debit or credit card and the list goes on and on. While you might have more options, it can still be challenging to pay the bills on time.

How to Graduate From Paying Bills in a Panic

Recent research by Fiserv shows that emergency payment is a highly valued option to dodge late fees and potentially avoid having your service shut off. I know that I have used it before myself. It can really come in handy.

Sometimes life happens or your regular routine is thrown off for whatever reason and you miss paying a bill. I get it, but I don’t think the word emergency and regular monthly bills should be in the same sentence. You shouldn’t have to pay bills in a frenzy on a regular basis.

Whether you still get some bills in paper form or they are sent to your email’s inbox, I wrote a post about staying organized with this years back. Whether the bill is physical or digital, many of the ideas still apply to control your finances.

You also want to stop making the same mistakes so you can come up with a set way to pay them. Maybe you store paper ones in a folder while you put the e-bills in a folder in your inbox and handle both at the same time.

I recently made a completely separate email for my bills, credit cards and for any deals or offers I’d like to receive. This way, anything pertaining to money is all funneled to one email. This alone makes it easier to find the bills.

There are other ways to stay on track with paying your bills and other aspects of dealing with your finances. Check out my tips along with others in the article 5 Things You Can Do to Make Your Finances Less Frustrating on the Credit Karma blog. I think my simple tip qualifies as one of my best money tips. Mine is number 2!





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