How to Bring Your Exciting Bucket List Item to Life

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This is a guest post by Choncé Maddox of

I recently created a bucket list of things I want to do before I turn 35.

The other day I saw a quote on Facebook that really resonated with me. It said: “Sometimes you get so caught up in life, then you wake up and realize you missed it.”

I’m in my late 20’s and realize I procrastinate on a lot of things already, so I really wanted to get focused and organized with a bucket list.

Sometimes, your bucket list items can seem like more of a wish list. My goal of wanting to visit Iceland is super exciting, but it’s also important to plan out how I’ll execute this life-changing trip.

Planning your execution will help you gather research and outline the action steps it will require to bring your bucket list item to fruition. Here’s how I’m planning to check a trip to Iceland off my bucket list.

Learn More About the Event/Destination

I’ve never been to Iceland before so it’s imperative that I learn more about the destination I initially decided to go after reading in the news that the glaciers were consistently melting. This is an important natural element that I want to see firsthand along with the Northern Lights.

Aside from this, I need to learn more about traveling to Iceland, customs, best practices, and so on. I like using sites like Trip Advisor to learn more about traveling to a destination. Iceland also has a visitor site that I have been using to take notes and learn more about everything the country has to offer along with any potential threats I should avoid.


Gather Pricing Details and Set a Budget

The next thing I’d highly recommend doing when planning out your bucket list item is to check pricing and create a budget. Unless the bucket list item is free, you’ll need to prepare your finances.

Traveling to Iceland may sound costly, but I want to actually factor in real numbers. I prefer to take a direct flight to Reykjavik which is about 6 hours. On average, a roundtrip flight on IcelandAir would cost me around $506.

I also need to consider where I’d stay, what I’d eat, and the attractions and tours I’d consider doing. All these things can be priced out in order to develop a realistic budget for the trip.

When it comes to finalizing the details for a bucket list item, I like to make a checklist. The list includes every detail I need to finalize my plans.

For Iceland, I need to set a realistic travel date, decide who I’m traveling with (my family), and prepare myself for the experience. I need to get my son a passport since he’s never been out of the country. I also need to figure out what I’d like to bring and plan for any hidden costs.

Again doing my due diligence and researching is crucial. Still, I don’t want to feel overwhelmed or discouraged so creating a checklist is the best way to pace myself and make sure I eventually reach the finish line.



Don’t Just Make a List, Make a Plan

Most people I know don’t create a bucket list early enough in their lives. The few that do, don’t do enough to follow through and fulfill the items on their list.  It takes careful planning and preparation, but it’s definitely worth it if you’ll be experiencing something you’ve always wanted to do.  (Psst! Discover the step-by-step process Karen uses to infuse unique bucket list ideas into everyday life with this life list maker: The Everyday Bucket List Book. Get updates and find out when  The Bucket List Journal is available.


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