Easy Halloween Treats for Less

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halloween-candyThrowing a Halloween party? Purchasing so many treats can sometimes scare your wallet.

You may think you just have to shell out the cash.

At the same time, spending money on inflated priced candy may not be the way to go.

Actually, a lack of creativity may be to blame.

If saving money around Halloween is a problem, here’s how to get rid of it.

Three Easy Halloween Treats That Your Wallet Loves

1. Ghost Poop

Purchase mini marshmallows and pop them inside of little baggies. Print labels that read “ghost poop.”

2. Give a Handful of Popcorn. . .Literally

Purchase ready made popcorn, hand shaped bags and twist ties. If you want to be scary frugal, pop the popcorn yourself.

3. Goody Bags

Purchase inexpensive treat bags. Fill them with orange colored cheese balls. reap extra savings purchasing them at the bulk store.



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