How to Get Booked as a Podcast Guest

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I recently heard Oprah Winfrey discussing the early stages of her career on a YouTube video. She explained her career path and how when she was a reporter; she thought it was easier to report what happened by talking about it versus writing about it.

Though we can’t necessarily replicate the success of someone like Oprah Winfrey, if you think you’re good at relaying a message by talking or through a conversation, then getting an interview as a podcast guest is probably a better marketing strategy for you.


If you’re not sure where to begin, here are some ideas to appear as a podcast guest.


1. Look for a podcast directory

Pod Search is a website where you can find popular podcasts as well as new shows. Search for podcasts by keyword or take a look at their categories tab.The site lists the categories in alphabetical order.

The topics range from art to automotive, business, finance to health and fitness. Just remember that some shows don’t have guests so you’ll have to spend some time listening to their show or scrolling down a list of episodes to see if they mention another person’s name other than the host.

Some podcast directories are categorized by location or niche so it can’t hurt to search online using the words “podcast directory “ and any other word that has to do with your field. That will get you closer to the types of shows you want to attempt to reach.


2. See if the podcast has a website

Once you find the name of podcasts that fit your niche, you can check to see if the podcaster has a website. The about page might be the best place to start before you even listen to an episode. Sometimes it can let you know if you should even bother pitching them at all.

For instance, there is one popular financial podcast that has a guest application, but it explicitly states that they don’t interview financial planners. The person also indicates that they want you to use the online form to try to be a guest. They don’t want you to email them. If you’re a planner and you miss that, you’re wasting your time and committing an online faux pas.

Look to see if they have information about appearing as a guest. You can potentially avoid wasting any time listening if there is information on the site that states anything about guests.

3. Pitch a podcast that you believe is a fit

Once you find shows that you believe are a good fit, contact the show with a pitch. Also, include a one-sheet if you have one. The one-sheet should consist of a compelling bio, your social media handles, website and other relevant information. See my mini-explanation about how to make a one-sheet in tip 2 of this post about podcast publicity.

4. Hire a podcast guest booker

If you don’t have the time to comb through a podcast directory, listen to shows in your spare time or you aren’t sure how to pitch great podcasts, you might want to hire someone to do it for you. Think about what your time is worth. Would it make more financial sense to hire someone to search for you?

The Bottom Line

With some effort and planning, you can potentially land an interview on a podcast. Keep these tips in mind when you’re looking to get booked.

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