Save Money: How to Benefit from Social Media

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The benefits of saving on social media are EVIDENT.

1. There are deals galore.

2. You can search for savings.

3. You can socialize while pocketing  cash.

Here are surprisingly cool tips to save money with social media:

1. Look for a mini-guide.

(Check one out here.)

2. Use Twitter as a search engine.

(Read 10 Outstanding Tips that were featured on the Newsletter.) 

3. Start pinning money that you save.

(Save Money on Pinterest: 7 Tips to Crush it)

4. Use Pinterest boards to bring in bank.

(Save Money with Pinterest: Meal Planning 101)

5. Follow ibotta on Twitter or Facebook.

(Get cash back within 24 hours)


Do you know of any other ways to save money with social media, let me know in the comments below.


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