6 Reasons Why I Think it is Better to Shop From Home

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1. It is easier to stay within a spending limit.
I believe it is easier to stay closer to the amount you want to spend especially if you are using a gift card. Once you click the item you want (add to cart), you can see how much it will be. How many times have you mentally calculated items or actually brought a calculator only to have the items ring up for more when you get to the check out? I believe people are less likely to put the items back when someone (cashier or person in line) is there. Also you are potentially holding up a line and people are seeing you put the items back. I think we indirectly feel “pressured” to just keep it so it won’t take up other people’s time. This doesn’t happen when you shop from you’re own computer. You can take your time to carefully decide what to buy or “put back”.  
2. You are less likely to forget your  coupons. 
How many times have you gone to a store with the intention of using a coupon only to leave it at home? Instead of fumbling through your belongings at the store unable to locate the extra savings, shop online so you can take your time to look for it at home or open up another tab and google a promotional code.
3. Save money on gas by shopping at home. 
4. Free shipping is a great incentive to shop from home.  
You can potentially have it mailed for free. I sometimes see that you can spend as little as 25 dollars to get free shipping. Get items that you need or buy on advance for a birthday or upcoming event to get the savings.

 5. You won’t be sidetracked by sales. So many times I enter a store with a set plan of what I want but leave with stuff I wasn’t planning on getting. It’s hard to turn down sales even if it’s a good deal when you are at the store.   

6. I believe there is more temptation while in a store. Stores have persuasive sales people that are trained to upsell. Also, stores have clever places to put items to entice you to part with your hard earned cash. When you shop from home, you’re on your own turf.

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