Cut Costs and Keep Your Summer Bucket List Alive

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Summer can be one of the most expensive times of year for most people. In the dead of winter, it’s easier to settle down, lower all your bills (with the exception of heating) and watch Netflix and drink hot chocolate for entertainment.

During the summer months, however, that’s just not the case. Between summer BBQs and events, children’s activities, and vacations, it can become very easy to overspend and blow your budget.

Oh, and let’s not forget about your awesome summer bucket list. Perhaps in May, you put together an impressive list of all the things you were going to experience for the summer. Even if you didn’t actually write ideas down, I’m sure you thought about where you wanted to go and the things you wanted to do this summer. Then, time flew by and you decided to get a tighter grip on your finances.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying summer and staying busy, spending too much money can get you into quite a bit of trouble. I’m sure you don’t want to rack up debt or fall off track with some of your other financial goals. 

The key is to find a balance between prioritizing your fun bucket list and also minding your budget so you won’t be stressed out about money.  If you’re serious about making some simper bucket list dreams happen, get more details about how to grab a copy of my soon-to-be-released book, The Everyday Bucket List Book.

With summer just around the corner, there is plenty of opportunity to knock some ideas off your bucket list without breaking the bank.

I was quoted in Mint’s article about cutting costs during the summer. Generating savings during summer months is so important so you can free up more money to enjoy this time of year.

Before you start erasing items off your summer bucket list to save money, be sure to check out these 9 easy ways to cut other common expenses first and rack up some savings. Just click here to read the article.

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