I help people spend more time, energy, and money ticking items off their bucket list.

Easy Bucket List Ideas: 7 Simple Things to Do in Everyday Life

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Easy everyday bucket list ideas are all around. You just have to be a little creative to find them. Unlike a regular bucket list with only big ideas you do once in a while, an everyday bucket list allows you to come up with items within reach so you have something to look forward to regularly.

A quote from an article in Time explains to “stop thinking about big events that might make you thrilled. It’s the little things of everyday life that make lasting improvements to our happiness.” Think of it as a bucket list to be happy in everyday life.

Here are what I consider some good bucket list ideas for everyday life:

1. Visit an online museum and take a virtual tour as a super easy bucket list idea

When I first heard of online museums, a bunch of questions came to mind such as: What is a virtual tour? Which museums have virtual tours and how much do virtual tours cost?

SmithsonianMag.com described it as “simulation of what you might experience when visiting a museum in person. Virtual tours are usually compromised of a collection of videos, still images, 3-D walk-throughs, and a narration it helps you feel as though you’re visiting the museum without actually doing so!”

Many museums have virtual tours. You just have to do a little research. You can actually see famous ones from around the world such as the Vatican Museums in Rome, the Lourve in Paris France and the Prado Museum in Madrid. There is no cost to see these.

2. Listening to a stellar podcasts is another simple bucket idea to carry out

There are many free podcasts out there in audio land. You can listen on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify and many other places. Whether you listen to a money podcast to better your finances while getting things done around the house or a comedic one to laugh a little while in transit, you’ll be able to squeeze in some listening every day.

How can I listen to podcasts in the car?

If you have a Bluetooth connection, start there. Newer cars allow you to connect to your phone. If you don’t have that, play it from your phone using a podcast app. This can end being one of the best hobbies to try.

3. Find small ways to incorporate “crazy” or “reckless” bucket list ideas

How do you get outside of your comfort zone? It’s easy to play it safe and stick to what you know. You can wear the same type of clothes, travel the same route to work every day and visit the same restaurants, etc. After all, we are creatures of habit. However, if you want to try something different, come up with a list to shake things up a bit and get outside of your comfort zone.

What happens when you step out of your comfort zone? Many things can happen when you stretch yourself and take risks. A Psychology Today article explains “Challenging yourself pushes you to dip into and utilize your personal store of untapped knowledge and resources. You have no idea what you’re made of unless and until you venture outside of your own familiar world.”

Though I’m not a fan of heights, I once tried ziplining. It was one of my “crazy and reckless” ideas on my bucket list for a long time. I had to climb to the top of what looked like a jungle gym and cross wooden steps high in the air on a rope ladder to get there.

I literally had to jump off the platform to zipline (strapped into a harness, of course). There wasn’t anyone there to gradually release me or give me some great send off. I was nervous the whole time, but I did it and it was exhilarating. This leads me to my next point.

4. Make small changes

Not every “go out of your comfort zone” moment has to be like that. There are small ways to accomplish this too. It can be something as simple as switching up a part of your daily routine, learning something new by reading an article or watching YouTube videos on your lunch break.

Or perhaps you try something once like as dying your hair a vibrant color or styling it differently. Change how you dress, try unusual food or take up a new hobby you wouldn’t normally try. Taking some risks, no matter what happens, can allow you to grow as a person.

5. Come up with simple & meaningful bucket list ideas for couples or friends

Long before someone could make a playlist on a digital device, people used to make mix tapes for other people. It was usually a meaningful combination of songs that you picked out for friends or someone you were dating.

It could also just be popular music that the person really liked or songs you both like. If you have a playlist on Spotify, go to the playlist page and select “Share.” There are a variety of ways to send it to people such as text, email, or through your social platforms.

6. Make it a habit to try something new

Maybe you try a new recipe once a week or check out a new restaurant once a month. No matter what you’re looking to do, think about attaching an idea to a habit you already have in place.

For example, if you walk, hike, jog or bike regularly, why not do the same thing in different areas to mix things up. Create a list of places you’d like to go and check them off one at a time. You can even track your progress with a habit tracker printable.

Habit Tracker Printables come in all different sizes. Check them out here.

7. Unique bucket list ideas for taking better photos

I constantly suggest this! If you never thought about taking up photography as a hobby, you may have wondered, “How do I start photography?” Start by thinking about what you’re drawn to. Use a smart phone and invest in an inexpensive tripod, especially if you want to be in the photos.

Do you love snapping portraits or are you captivated by tall buildings? Once you decide, then you can actively start researching how to take better photos. If you study the basics, it will introduce you to what is known as the 7 elements of photography.

It covers texture, color, form, line, tone and space. I was fortunate to learn about this formally back in high school, but the internet can be a great teacher as well.

Read up on each one of the elements and make it a point to focus your photos on one at a time. For example, I learned that texture has a lot to do with lighting.

If the lighting is on the side of the object, it the texture looks more pronounced. Start with one element per week or month and attempt to get better at a time. You can then move on to an alternative idea such as the working on the rules of 10.

Conclusion for Easy Bucket List Ideas

Trying simple bucket list ideas as an alternative to grandiose ones can allow you to have something to look forward to on a regular basis. It will be easy to blend into everyday life and you could walk away happier. Write down some of these ideas so an achievable bucket list can get checked off more quickly in the near future.