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Video Tutorial: How to Use Holiday Photos from Thanksgiving (or Any Occasion) for Holiday Photo Cards

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Holiday Photos for Photo Cards by Kevin Dooley
Photo: Kevin Dooley via Flickr

For many people, it’s tradition to send holiday photo cards.

Photos that are sentimental.

At times, it can feel like one more thing you dread doing.

Maybe even one more thing you have to shell out money for.

Don’t get overwhelmed yet.

Making holiday cards can become simple.

Sending out creative cards for less can beĀ  a piece of cake.

According to research done by Carter and Gilovich (2010), 57% of Americans report that meaningful experiences makes them happier than material items. You may not be able to put an experience in a box with fancy wrapping paper, but you can give the people around you a meaningful time by starting a tradition based on experiences.

After reading 10 Ways to Spend Black Friday, I felt inspired to have a set activity to look forward to the day after Thanksgiving other than going holiday shopping. I’ve never been a Black Friday shopper. I’m not into fighting crowds just to get a discount. I never had that tradition with my family growing up so I figure why start now. Instead of getting a jump on shopping, I decided to get a head start on my holiday cards. I plan on taking my photos while my family and I are dressed up nicely for Thanksgiving. You’ll probably snap a few photos yourself. So why not try to get your holiday photo done?

I made a video tutorial. Watch below to find out my secret way to save money on holiday cards and get them done quickly.


This video is more than a tutorial. It’s an eco-friendly email technique. If you send it out by email you are saving trees and money instantly!

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1. Share it with someone you think will like the idea.

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