Save Money with a Retro Activity

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save-money-with-a-retro-activityIt’s funny how one song can take you back in time.

It sounds cliche but it’s so true.

Lately songs from the past have just been popping into my head out of no where.

Don’t miss this song I was singing today.

Save Money Going in Reverse. . .Back in Time

As I opened the refrigerator, I busted out singing 65 Love Affair from the eighties. Half the time I’m mixing one chorus with another song with a similar title. I thought maybe the song didn’t exist and I was singing it the wrong way.

At the same time 25 or 6-2-4 came into my memory. . .which is a song by Chicago from a different time period. Songs with numbers were pretty popular. 8,6,7.5, 3,oh, nine-ee-ine. Okay, I digress.

I had to hear the song on YouTube to end my confusion. It was 65 Love Affair. The singer sounds like a cross between Daryl Hall and Billy Joel. Anyway. . .memories of rollerskating every Saturday when I was a kid replayed in my head. The best part was making a big chain with your friends. Everyone would form a line by holding on to the shoulders of the person in front of them.You would attempt to skate together in unison.

The person in front had to be a good skater (strong gluts were a must). I remember leading the line one time. I fell right on my tailbone because I went faster than the person behind me. They didn’t officially know I started so they pulled me down accidentally. The whole line went down like dominoes. You just can’t replace that type of fun.

I also remember trying to coordinate some fancy tricks when a certain beat played or if the music went faster, so did you. There was always someone who was an olympic-type speed skater, an overly aggressive hockey player, another person who could do tricks or skate in circles. Skating backwards was pretty advanced and admired. They were all fun to watch.

We’d all take a break if there was a song we didn’t like as much. We would save all of our energy for the best music. So over the long weekend, I’m scouting out a place to go rollerskating with my family. I’m hoping to bring one of my long time friends and their kids too.

So, let your money saving homework assignment be to do something simple from the past with your friends, family, old buddy, BFF, etc. Good old fashioned fun is almost always a money saver.

Here’s the song.

I can’t say these were my favorite songs but the rollerskating is pretty awesome.

Is there something fun you like to from the past that saves money?
What songs make you recall memories from the past? Write it in the comments below.

“I like your blog. I especially like this latest one on how you use your receipt on your fridge. Brilliant!”-Sylvia Martinez of SMartinez Media, former Editor-in-Chief at Latina Magazine

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