How Your College Student Can Save Money on Food with Social Media and Technology Gadgets

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You are already working extra to get your kid through college. At times you may feel as if you turned into a walking wallet. Paying for college today is very hard. Not only are you shelling out cash for tuition, a place to live, and books, there are extra expenses like food.

You may think this is your teen’s first time having to deal with budgeting on their own and a lack of experience is to blame. So you let them slide a bit and send them $100 or so. Spending too much money on food for your college student is a problem. Here’s how to get rid of it. If you ignore this advice you’ll miss out on saving money and teaching your child the value of a dollar.

How to Save Money on Food with Social Media and Technology Gadgets

According to a recent article in the New York Times, “In the summer of 2012, scorching heat and the worst drought in nearly a half-century sent food prices up, spooking consumers and leading to worries about global food costs.” Now, more than ever, I believe it is important to teach our children how to save money on food.

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Here are ten tips to show them how:

1. Learn how one new app can save you $1040 a year on groceries.

2. Does a taco pizza sound like what a college boy would eat?

Then check out easy recipes to make for men, by men at Dude, You Can Cook.

3. Read online articles about how a Life Hacker writer hated grocery shopping but learned how to fix it or figure out how to control their emotions when shopping (via Free From Broke).

4. Have them meal plan with Pinterest.

5. Let robots manage their money (The Empowered Dollar).

6. Teach them to shop with a list. . .virtually. Make them take pictures on their phone of the items they need.

7. Have them type a standard list of items they buy on a regular basis on their phone’s notepad.

8. Use Ziplist to create their grocery list.

9. Buy groceries online and have them delivered.

This can help them focus on their studies without having to worry about depleting the bank of mom and dad.

Also, parents can track where the money is actually going.

10. Consider splitting the cost of bulk grocery purchases with a roommate.

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