Twitter Chat Strategy: Interview with Money Chat Host

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Interview with Dorethia Conner regarding social media. She says it’s all about strategy.

In today’s world social media is where you find out anything and everything:

Your neighbor’s complaints, a friend’s birthday, the latest viral video, or a stream of vacation pictures in real time.

While some people are randomly sharing whatever comes to mind in the moment, there are others who use it for a planned purpose.

That purpose for Dorethia Conner of Money Chat Live is to help others gain insight about money.

She explains how she helps people with money issues, one tweet at a time.

Have you ever participated in a Twitter chat that inspired you to be better with money? Dorethia Conner is that person for many. I met her back in the Fall at the FinCon Conference.

I’ve also been reading her website. She clearly maps out a way to get your financial house in order, from crafting a budget and setting financial goals to conducting weekly twitter chats about money-related topics. I have personally applied many of her ideas and they really work.

I recently caught up with her and had the opportunity to ask her questions about her Twitter chat and business.

Me: Today we have Dorethia Conner. She is a financial planner, website owner, and business coach. She’s here to tell us more about herself and what she does.

Conner: Hey Guys Dorethia here. . .so my task is to tell you a little about myself, my business and how I incorporate social media into my business mix. . .

So, you know when people are looking for practical action plans and help with their most pressing financial questions? It could be from budgeting to buying a summer home, from owing the IRS to starting a business, from getting their no rent-paying cousin off their couch to properly spending a windfall. . .they call me!  I am a personal finance and business coach – based in Detroit, Michigan, but I coach nationally thanks to the internet!

I also have a blog –  and a Twitter Chat #MoneyChat (Follow @MoneyChatLive & @DorethiaConner), but more about that later.

Okay, so social media is definitely an important piece of my business and marketing strategy.  The key word is ‘strategy’.  Many business owners are still not convinced or if they are, they waste a lot of time because they have no plan.

You have to plan your posts, and know what content  your ‘followers’ will be interested in hearing about. You will want to find a happy medium as to the number of posts (about 3 per day initially) and use an online site like Tweetdeck or Hootsuite that will help you see more than just one stream, schedule posts, etc.

I post a mix of personal and professional information. I like sharing a little about my life, my kids, crazy stuff that happens to me, random rants – in addition to money and biz tips. This allows my audience to get to know me and vice versa.

Also, the easiest way to lose people is to only spam them online with promotional stuff that says ‘buy this’ or ‘read my blog post’ all the time. It’s a no-no in social media.

Me: What inspired you to start the Twitter chat?

Conner: I started the Twitter Chat – #MoneyChat about 3 years ago as another social media tool to bring awareness to the business and allow people to share their experiences, ask question in a non-judgmental atmosphere.  Oftentimes people are embarrassed to ask money questions in person, not so much online.

We’ve all had struggles financially and truth be told as we keep living, they’ll keep coming, being candid about how we handle them can help others. We all have a great time and learn from each other. That’s the purpose of my business, the chat and all the work I do in the community.


Me: Thank you for your time. It was a pleasure to have you inform all of the readers. Here’s information to check out Dorethia’s money chat or follow her social media.


Join the #MoneyChat fam every 1st and 3rd Monday night on Twitter to chat it up about all things money and biz. Connect with Dorethia at,  and online at:

Twitter:  @MoneyChatLive & @DorethiaConner)

Facebook: Conner Coaching

Pinterest: Dorethia Conner




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