Unique Bucket List Ideas for Food and Drink Lovers

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Planning a tour that revolves around food and drink is a unique bucket list idea, but it can take some work.

You have so many choices.

There are gourmet tours where you “restaurant hop” to breweries where you stay focused on the ins and outs of one spot.

You have to think carefully about what is right for you.

Are you a foodie? Beer aficionado? Maybe a little bit of both? 

If you’re looking to do this soon, explore all of your options.

Otherwise, you’ll miss out on crossing items off of your dream list of things to do.

It may sound like a lot of effort upfront.

I understand, but . . .

Remember Why You’re Choosing This Unique Bucket List idea

Before we dive in, it’s important to create a reason why you are doing this.

Stop and think about that.

This is essential for staying  focused while planning and reminding yourself why you’re doing this in the first place.

Are you done with the nothing-special to do weekends? Do your leisure activities need a complete reboot or a much-needed life preserver? Do you just end up at the same restaurants or find yourself getting mediocre take-out  because you didn’t make time to plan? Keep these reasons in mind.

American Businessman Alan Lakein once said:

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.

To kickstart the planning process, I’m giving food and drink tours an espresso shot of excitement with my 3 ideas to infuse more enjoyment into your life and improve your personal well-being.


Unique Bucket List Idea #1: Find a brewery

If you’re an avid traveler and beer lover rolled into one, see if there is a brewery in the area you plan to visit on an upcoming trip. BreweryAssociation.org updates their database with breweries across the globe. Their search generates the name of the brewery, location, phone number and lists the type of brewery it is. You can even filter the search.

If you only want to look for microbreweries, you can do so by checking a box below the search bar. If you only want to seek out places with craft beer, you can do that as well. If you’re not able to travel far away right now, consider looking in your own state. Whether you go a town over or take a mini road trip for a day, you can still try different types of beer locally. Make it one of your short term goals  to do.

Unique Bucket List Idea #2: Find a food tour in a major city

UrbanAdventures.com features over 150 cities all over the globe. If you want to dodge the touristy areas and immerse yourself with the local culture, this site can point you in the right direction. Create a dream list of tours you’d like to to take. Put on comfortable shoes and catch a tour for as little as two hours or sign up for a longer duration while exploring a major city in the states such as Annapolis, Baltimore or Denver or by poking around a big city in Europe, Asia, South America or another continent.

Whether you explore a structured tour of “tenements, tastings and tales” while strolling down the Lower East Side, Chinatown and Little Italy in NY for a little or you customize your own tour for as long as you like in Lisbon, Portugal while trying fresh seafood and wine, you’ll surely have a great time. The page will give you a “snapshot” of what to expect with a blurb of details along with age requirements, starting time, language spoken, duration as well as culture shock, physicality ratings and more.



Unique Bucket List Idea #3: Create your own tour

Become the expert and explore. Dig up some facts that revolve around a place you plan to visit. Share the information with those who accompany you before you journey begins. You can even have each person come up with information for a different location of your DIY Tour. Carve out some time to do a little research and share some interesting details or historical information to share.  I once followed the suggestions of a Food Network show years back to go on my “own” tour in Newport, Rhode Island. I followed the tips given by the host and checked out the restaurants and dessert shops that the show mentioned. Once I find ideas like this, I store them so I remember to back to them. 

I even created a step-by-step process to have regular activities like this to look forward. I detail my process and help you get more out of your time and money with my bucket list book. 




Whether you choose an easy bucket list idea such as finding a brewery and showing up that makes for simple planning or customize your own tour with a guide or on your own from  scratch, your palate will never be the same after experiencing one of these unique bucket list ideas! If you liked this post, please share it on social media. Also, discover how I capture memories to savor and get notified about my upcoming The Bucket List Journal


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